SSI Web Trading for derivatives market user guide
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Up order is the conditional order in which the order price and trigger price are predefined. When the market price touches or increases above the trigger price, the order will be activated and sent to the floor with the order price set up by customers.
- Sell to take profit automatically when customers holding long positions;
- Buy to stop loss automatically when customers holding short positions
- Or Open new long/short positions once the market price increases above the resistance level.
The current market price is 960; customer places a Buy-up order with the order price 981 and trigger price 980. The market price fluctuates at each time as below:
At the sixth time, when the market price reaches to the point 980 (equals to the trigger time), a buy order with order price 981 is activated and sent to the floor.
The steps to place order are as follows:
Step 1: Customers click on the menu ”Trading” and choose “Place order” or click on the button “Place order” at the bottom right of any screen.
Step 2: Fill in the blanks with order information
- Click on the checkbox “ Stop/Trigger” à Choose “Up”
- Enter the trigger price in the below field (Note that “Trigger price” must be greater than “Market price” when placing order).
- Enter the authentication code -> Click on “Buy” or “Sell”. The system will display order confirmation popup.
Step 3:
- Click on “Confirm” button to complete placing the order. The system will display the notification “Your order has been received. Please view the order status”. Customers can check status at the quick order status or click “order status” to view more details.
- Or you can click on “Close” for not placing order and close the place order form
- For Up - Buy order, the order price should be higher than the trigger one
- For Up - Sell order, the order price should be lower than the trigger one
Steps to confirm orders:
Step 1: Customers access screen Portfolio Management -> Order History/ Order Confirmation
Step 2: Customers choose orders to confirm
- Screen will display the default account, however, customer cans change to another account by typing on the ithem “Account No”.
- Customers can choose one or more to confirm at the same time. The system allows customer to confirm maximum 50 orders/page.
Step 3: Confirm chosen orders
- After checking all information, Customers enter the authentication code and then click on the button “Confirm” to send your request or “Close” to cancel confirmation.
- Confirmed orders will be moved to the status “Signed”. Customers can view orders in the past by changing the item "Confirmation status”
Down order is the the conditional order in which the order price and trigger price are predefined. When the market price touches or decrease below the trigger price, the order will be activated and sent to the floor with the order price set up by customers.
- Buy to take profit automatically when customers holding short positions;
- Sell to stop loss automatically when customers holding long positions
- Or Open new long/short positions once the market price falls below the support level.
The current market price is 960; customer places a Sell-down order with the order price 954 and trigger price 955. The market price fluctuates at each time as below:
At the sixth time, when the market price reaches to the point 955 (equals to the trigger time), a sell order with the order price 954 is activated and sent to the floor.
The steps to place order are as follows:
Step 1: Customers click on the menu ”Trading” and choose “Place order” or click on the button “Place order” at the bottom right of any screen.
Step 2: Fill in the blanks with order information
- Click on the checkbox “ Stop/Trigger” à Choose “Down”
- Enter the trigger price in the below field (Note that “Trigger price” must be smaller than “Market price” when placing order).
- Enter the authentication code -> Click on “Buy” or “Sell”. The system will display order confirmation popup.
Step 3:
- Click on “Confirm” button to complete placing the order. The system will display the notification “Your order has been received. Please view the order status”. Customers can check status at the quick order status or click “order status” to view more details.
- Or you can click on “Close” for not placing order and close the place order form
To increase the successful matching opportunities:
- For DOWN - Buy order, the order price should be higher than the trigger one
- For DOWN - Sell order, the order price should be lower than the trigger one
Trailing up order is a BUY order with the buying price automatically adjusted downward according to changes in the market trend to get the good price. When the market price moves downward and creates a new bottom point since placing the order, trigger price will be adjusted by a predefined spread value (distinct value between the current market price and the market price when placing order). When the market price increases, trigger price and order price will remain unchanged. The market price fluctuates until the adjusted trigger price and the market price are concurrent, order will be sent to the floor with the order price being calculated by the initial order price + (the last trigger price – the initial trigger price).
- Place buy order to lock in gains or limit losses when customers holding short positions
- Or Open new long/short positions once the market price automatically adjusted downward according to changes in the market trend to get the good price.
The current market price is 953; customer places one conditional order T.Up with the order price 958 and trigger price 957. Supposed the market price fluctuates downward at each time as below:
At the second time, the market price decreases compared to the market price when placing order:
- Adjusted trigger price = initial trigger price + (current market price – initial market price ) : 9 57 + (945 -953) = 9 49
- Adjusted order price = initial order price + (adjusted trigger price – initial trigger price): 9 58 + ( 949 – 957) = 95 0
At the third time, the market price increases -> Trigger price and order price keep unchanged
At the fourth time, the market price decreases continously:
- Adjusted trigger price = initial trigger price + (current market price – initial market price ) : 957 + (935 – 953) = 939
- Adjusted order price = initial order price + (adjusted trigger price – initial trigger price): 958 + (939 – 957) = 940
At the fifth time, the market price de creases to the point which equals to the trigger price -> Order is sent to the floor with order price = Initial order price + (adjusted trigger price – initial trigger price) = 958 + (939 – 957) = 940. At this time the system will send a Buy order with order price of 940 which is the ideal price moves downward according to the market trend.
The steps to place order are as follows:
Step 1: Customers click on the menu ”Trading” and choose “Place order” or click on the button “Place order” at the bottom right of any screen.
Step 2: Fill in the blanks with order information
- Click on the checkbox “ Stop/Trigger” and Choose “Trailing Up”
- Enter the trigger price in the below field (Note that “Order Price” and “Trigger price” must be greater than “Market price” when placing order).
- Enter the authentication code. Click on “Buy” (the button Sell will be disabled automatically). The system will display order confirmation popup.
Step 3:
- Click on “Confirm” button to complete placing the order. The system will display the notification “Your order has been received. Please view the order status”. Customers can check status at the quick order status or click “order status” to view more details.
- Or you can click on “Close” for not placing order and close the place order form
Trailing down order is a SELL order with the buying price automatically adjusted upward according to changes in the market trend to get the good price. When the market price moves upward and creates a new top point since placing the order, trigger price will be adjusted by a predefined spread value (distinct value between the current market price and the market price when placing order). When the market price decreases, trigger price and order price will remain unchanged. The market price fluctuates until the adjusted trigger price and the market price are concurrent, order will be sent to the floor with the order price being calculated by the initial order price + (the last trigger price – the initial trigger price).
- Place sell order to lock in gains or limit losses
- Place sell order to limit losses
The current market price is 948; customer places one conditional order T.Down with the order price 943 and trigger price 944. Supposed the market price fluctuates downward at each time as below:
At the second time, the market price increases compared to the market price when placing order:
- Adjusted trigger price = initial trigger price + (current market price – initial market price ) : 944 + (955 - 948 ) = 951
- Order price adjusted = initial order price + (adjusted trigger price – initial trigger price): 943 + ( 951 – 944) = 950
At the third time, the market price decreases ->Trigger price and order price keep unchanged.
At the fourth time, the market price increases compared to the market price when placing order:
- Trigger price adjusted = initial trigger price + (current market price – initial market price ) : 944 + (965-948) = 961
- Order price adjusted = initial order price + ( adjusted trigger price – initial trigger price): 943 + (961 – 944) = 960
At the fifth time, the market price decreases to 961, which equals to the trigger price -> Order is sent to the floor with order price = Initial order price + (adjusted trigger price – initial trigger price) = 943 + (961 – 944) = 960
The steps to place order are as follows:
Step 1: Customers click on the menu ”Trading” and choose “Place order” or click on the button “Place order” at the bottom right of any screen.
Step 2: Fill in the blanks with order information
- Click on the checkbox “ Stop/Trigger”. Choose “Trailing Down”
- Enter the trigger price in the below field (Note that “Order Price” and “Trigger price” must be smaller than “Market price” when placing order).
- Enter the authentucation code. Click on “Sell” (the button Buy will be disabled automatically). The system will display order confirmation popup.
Step 3:
- Click on “Confirm” button to complete placing the order. The system will display the notification “Your order has been received. Please view the order status”. Customers can check status at the quick order status or click “order status” to view more details.
- Or you can click on “Close” for not placing order and close the place order form
Order status provides information on any order you have placed that is open, matched, has expired or has been canceled.
There are three ways of checking your order status:
Option 1: Click on the menu “Trading” -> “Order status”. You can use the Order status function to keep track of investing activity in your account. Moreover, the system support customers records the audit trail for every action by clicking on the "Detail". The audit trail captures all actions performed by users of the system on an order such as placing, canceling, editing.
Option 2: Quick order status is updated as soon as the order has been confirmed at the bottom right-hand side of the place order form
Option 3: Click on the option at the bottom right of any screen and choose the icon "Status"
Conditional orders status
- Waiting to reach conditions: Orders which predefined conditon has not been met yet but still valid in the trading day.
- Expired: Orders which conditions are not statisfied and will not occur after market closes.
- Canceled: immediately after a conditional order has been canceled.
- Rejected: is the order which has been placed into SSI’s system but has been rejected. Customer can view the reason by clicking on the text “Rejected” on the status column to view more information.
Note: After the conditional order has been occurred, the generated order will have status similar to the normal order which has been described above.
This function supports customers to track total gain/loss of all transactions over a period of time, analyze details of gain/loss of closed and remaining open positions compared with the closing price of the day
This function allows customers to manage number of your open positions and keep track of floating profit or gain of every open position that you are holding.
There are two ways of checking your open position:
Option 1: Click on the tab "Portfolio management" -> “Position management” -> “Open position”.
Customers can choose one, several or all positions to close easily on the open position screen. Once clicking on "Close", an order with the market price which takes the opposite position to the original trade will be shown on the screen
Option 2: Click on the option at the bottom right of any screen and choose the icon "Position"
The steps are as follow:
- Step 1: Click on “Close” (chose Close selected positions or Close all as appropriate). Close position confirmation screen will appear as below:
- Step 2: Check information of your orders. You can leave the volume of Net unchanged if you decide to reduce your open position to zero or edit the volume to partially close an open position. Price also can be adjusted depending on your decision
- Step 3: Enter the authentication code. Next, enter or click on "Confirm" to send orders into the market, "Close" to close the request