Earnings Preview

Earnings Preview
4Q2024 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 4Q2024 Earnings Preview for 41 companies under our coverage. Overall, corporate earnings are estimated to increase by 22.4% YoY in Q4, an acceleration compared to the first 3 quarters of 2024 (1Q24: 7.6%, 2Q24: 16.3%, 3Q24:14.6%).   Banks and some big caps such as FPT, ACV, MWG, MSN, HVN led the overall growth.

Companies with positive earnings growth expectations include: ACB, ACV, BID, CTG, CTR, DGC, DPR, FPT, GMD, GVR, HAH, HDG, HHV, IMP, KBC, KDH, MBB, MSB, MSN, MWG, NLG, PLX, PNJ, PTB, PVT, TNG, TPB, VEA, VPB.

Companies with negative earnings growth expectations include: BCM, DRC, GAS, HDB, HPG, NT2, POW, SZC, TCB, VIB.


3Q2024 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 3Q2024 Earnings Preview for 46 companies under our coverage. Overall, corporate earnings are estimated to increase by 15.6% YoY in Q3, continuing the growth momentum posted in the past 2 quarters (1Q24: 7.6% YoY; 2Q24: 16.3% YoY). Banks and some big caps such as FPT, HPG and MSN are key drivers. 

Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: ACB, BCM, BID, CTG, CTR, DBD, DCM, DGW, DPR, FPT, GMD, GVR, HAH, HDB, HDG, HPG, KBC, MBB, MSB, MSN, PAN, POW, PTB, PVD, PVT, STB, STK, SZC, TCB, TPB, VCB, VNM, VPB.

Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: IMP, KDH, BSR, DRC, HSG, NLG, OCB, PLX, PNJ, VIB.


2Q2024 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 2Q2024 Earnings Preview for 45 companies under our coverage, of which 30 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q2 and 15 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth.

Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: ACB, BID, CTG, CTR, DCM, DPR, DRC, FPT, GMD, HAH, HDB, HDG, HHV, HPG, HSG, MBB, MSB, MSN, NLG, PAN, PNJ, POW, PTB, STB, TCB, TCM, TPB, VCB, VNM, VPB.

Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: BSR, DGC, GAS, KBC, KDH, NT2, OCB, PVD, PVT, STK, SZC, TRA, VGC, VIB, VTP.


1Q2024 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 1Q2024 Earnings Preview for 46 companies under our coverage, of which 31 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q1 and 14 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth.

Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: BID, CTG, CTR, DCM, DRC, FPT, GMD, HDB, HHV, HSG, HPG, MWG, NLG, OCB, PAN, PLX, PTB, PVD, PVT, QNS, SAB, STB, STK, SZC, TCB, TCM, TPB, TRA, VGC, VNM, VPB.

Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: ACB, BMP, BSR, DGC, GAS, HAH, KBC, KDH, MBB, NT2, POW, VCB, VIB, VTP.


4Q2023 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 4Q2023 Earnings Preview for 39 companies under our coverage, of which 23 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q4 and 16 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth.

Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: ACB, BID, BMP, CTG, CTR, FPT, HDB, HPG, IDC, KBC, KDH, MBB, PTB, PVD, PVT, QNS, STB, SZC, TCB, VPB, VRE, VTP, VNM.

Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: DCM, DGC, DPM, GAS, HAH, MSB, NLG, NT2, POW, PVS, SAB, STK, TPB, VCB, VGC, VIB.


3Q2023 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 3Q2023 Earnings Preview for 33 companies under our coverage, of which 20 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q3 and 13 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth.

Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: ACB, BMP, BSR, CTG, CTR, DBD, FPT, GMD, HDB, HPG, MBB, PLX, PVD, QNS, STB, TCB, VCB, VGC, VNM, VTP.

Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: BID, DGC, DGW, DRC, HAH, MSB, NT2, POW, PVT, STK, TPB, VIB, VPB.


2Q2023 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 2Q2023 Earnings Preview for 32 companies under our coverage, of which 16 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q2 and 16 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth.

Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: BID, CTG, DBD, GMD, HDB, IMP, KBC, MBB, PVD, PVS, PVT, QNS, STB, VCB, VIB, VNM.

Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: ACB, BSR, DCM, DPM, DGW, GAS, HAH, HPG, HSG, PTB, STK, TCB, TPB, VGC, VPB, VTP.


1Q2023 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 1Q2023 Earnings Preview for 32 companies under our coverage, of which 18 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q1 and 14 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth. Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: ACB, ACV, BID, CTG, CTR, DBD, FPT, HDB, IMP, KBC, MBB, PVD, PVT, QNS, STB, VCB, VIB, VRE. Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: BSR, DCM, DGW, DPM, FRT, GAS, HAH, HPG, HSG, MSB, QTP, TCB, TRA, VTP.


4Q2022 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 4Q2022 Earnings Preview for 27 companies under our coverage, of which 14 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q4 and 13 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth. Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: ACB, ACV, AST, BID, CTG, FPT, MSB, PVT, STB, TNH, TPB, VCB, VIB, VPB. Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: BSR, DPM, DRC, GAS, HAH, HDB, HPG, MBB, MWG, OCB, PVD, QNS, VHC.


3Q2022 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 3Q2022 Earnings Preview for 26 companies under our coverage, of which 24 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q3 and 2 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth. Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: PNJ, STK, CTR, FPT, DGW, DGC, DPM, GAS, ACV, PVT, MSB, VIB, ANV, HAH, GMD, AST, ACB, BID, HDB, MBB, TPB, VCB, TCB, VPB. Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: HPG, PVS. 


2Q2022 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 2Q2022 Earnings Preview for 26 companies under our coverage, of which 23 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q2 and 3 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth. Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: ACB, AST, BID, CTG, DGW, DPM, FPT, GAS, GMD, HAH, HDB, IMP, MBB, NT2, PNJ, REE, TCB, TPB, TRA, VCB, VHC, VIB, VSC. Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: HPG, MSB, VEA.


1Q2022 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 1Q2022 Earnings Preview for 32 companies under our coverage, of which 30 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q1 and 2 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth. Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: ACB, BID, CTR, DCM, DGC, DPM, FPT, GAS, GMD, HAH, HDB, HPG, MBB, MSB, NKG, NT2, PNJ, QNS, SHB, STB, STK, TCB, TPB, TRA, VCB, VEA, VHC, VIB, VPB, VSC. Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: CTG, IMP.


4Q2021 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 4Q2021 Earnings Preview for 29 companies under our coverage, of which 24 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q4 and 5 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth. Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: BID, CTR, DGC, DPM, FPT, GAS, GMD, HAH, HDB, HPG, MBB, MSB, MSN, MWG, PNJ, SCS, STB, TCB, TNH, TPB, TRA, VEA, VIB and VSC. Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: ACB, CTG, IMP, SAB and VCB.


3Q2021 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 3Q2021 Earnings Preview for 32 companies under our coverage, of which 21 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q3 and 11 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth. Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: ACB, CTG, DCM, DGC, FPT, GMD, HAH, HDB, HPG, HSG, MBB, MSN, NT2, QNS, STK, TCB, TNH, TPB, TRA, VCB, VPB. Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: ACV, DBC, GAS, IMP, MWG, PNJ, PPC, PVS, SAB, VEA, VIB.


2Q2021 Earnings Preview_SSIResearch

SSI Research would like to send you 2Q2021 Earnings Preview for 33 companies under our coverage, of which 27 companies are expected to post positive YoY earnings growth in Q2 and 6 companies are likely to post negative earnings growth. Companies with positive earnings growth expectation include: ACB, BID, BSR, CTG, DGC, DRC, FPT, GAS, GMD, HAX, HDB, HPG, HSG, IMP, MBB, MSB, PLX, PNJ, SCS, TCB, TPB, VCB, VEA, VHC, VIB, VPB, VTP. Companies with negative earnings growth expectation include: AST, DPM, NT2, PHR, PPC, PVS.

