Announcement on the last recording date to pay 2015 cash dividend

Report on change in ownership by major shareholder Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch

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Announcement on the last recording date to pay 2015 cash dividend


Ho Chi Minh City, September 30, 2016

HOSE has just released announcement 1013/TB-SGDHCM dated 27 Sept. 2016 to announce on the last recording date of SSI shares as following:

-Ex-right date: 11 Oct. 2016

-Last recording date: 12 Oct. 2016

-Purpose: to pay 2015 dividend by cash of VND 1,000/share

-Payment date: 21 Oct. 2016

-Payment method: dividend shall be paid to the deposit accounts of shareholders who deposited their SSI shares, and be paid at SSI for other shareholders.

Original version of this announcement can be downloaded here
