Đấu giá mới nhất
The Open-Ended Funds feature helps customers look up information about Open-Ended Funds, place orders and manage portfolios, and investment efficiency on SSI's online trading system.
Customers can access the feature in 1 of 2 ways:
Method 1: Access Menu S-Products > S-FUND
Method 2: Access Basic Trading Menu → Open-Ended Funds
Information on Open-Ended Funds
The screen of Open-Ended Funds provides information about Open-Ended Funds. Customers can click on the desired Fund certificate code to find out detailed information about the NAV growth chart and investment return of that code over time.
• Section All: information on Open-Ended Funds codes managed by SSI Fund Management Company (SSIAM) and other fund management companies
• S-FUND section: information about Open-Ended Funds codes managed by SSI Fund Management Company (SSIAM)
Placing orders
Step 1: Select “Order” or click “Buy” on the List of all Open-ended funds screen or S-FUND screen.
Step 2: Enter order information.
• With BUY order:
- Enter Amount: value you want to buy for investment. If buying SIP, choose transaction cycle (Month or Quarter)
- Payment Type: Default option is transferring money from Securities Account
- Stock account: Default is Cash account (tail 1)
- Available Amount: Displays the amount of money that can be withdrawn from the account to transfer money to buy Open- ended funds
• With SELL order:
- Available quantity: Number of available Open-Ended Funds
- Enter Sell quantity or click "Sell all"
• With the CONVERT order:
- Available quantity: Number of available Open-Ended Funds
- Select the Fund code you want to convert
- Enter the Convert quantity or click "Convert all"
Step 3: Click "Buy/Sell/Convert" then click "Confirm the order" or click "Close" to cancel the information entered.
Step 4: Enter the OTP code according to the authentication method you are using and press Confirm to complete the Open-ended fund order.
The screen of Open-ended funds Portfolio (OEF Porfolio) helps customers track information about the Open-ended funds codes that customers are holding. At this screen, customers can:

The screen of Period Investment provides detailed information about the customers’ transactions initiated under the systematic investment plan (SIP). At this screen, customers can:

The screen of Fund order book helps customers track all fund certificate orders. At this screen, customers can:
• Look up the status of executed orders
• Export Excel data of order information for statistical and lookup purposes
The screen of Fund transaction history helps customers track transactions initiated in the past. Customers can use available filtering tools to search the order book list according to their needs or export an excel file to monitor the order list.
The screen of Profit and Loss History helps customers track profits and losses of executed orders. Customers can use available filtering tools to search the order book list according to their needs or export an excel file to monitor the order list.