Asset management

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Asset management

Base account assets

Step 1: From the "Home screen" select the "Asset"

Step 2: Choose the base sub-account

  • Sub-account 1: cash account
  • Sub-account 6: margin account
Derivative account assets

Step 1: From the "Home screen" select the "Asset"

Step 2: Choose Derivative account

Portfolio equity account
Step 1: From the “Home screen”  "Assets"  “Portfolio” or From the “Menu”  “Portfolio”

Step 2: Choose the account

  • Sub-account 1: Cash account
  • Sub-account 6: Margin account

Step 3: Look up details of the holding portfolio, including:

Total portfolio value, Total value and % Unrealized profit/loss at market price

Monitor the portfolio overview by each stock code

Filter by: Account number, Status. In which, the status includes:

• All: All stock codes in the portfolio, including sold out stocks that are awaiting payment and odd lot stocks under 100

• Holding: Securities in the portfolio (including parity), excluding sold-out securities awaiting payment

• Odd lot: Only displays odd lot codes in the category with quantity less than 100

Monitor portfolio overview by Stock, Sector and Type allocation

Portfolio derivative account

Step 1: From the “Home screen”  "Assets"  “Portfolio” or From the “Menu”  “Portfolio”

Step 2: Choose the account Derivative

P&L History

Step 1: From the “Home screen” select the "Assets"

Step 2: Select  “P&L History”

Step 3: Select account filter and lookup period


Total Assets displays current day's net worth, total assets on the previous day, and tracks listing Profit and loss over time

  • Net assets: Is the value of the current customer's real assets after debt deduction, calculated as Total Assets - Total Debts.
  • Total assets: Is the total value of valuable assets in the account, including cash, stocks, S-BONDS, open – ended funds and other assets of customers.
  • Profit/loss: The current value of profit/loss after deducting the net deposit/withdrawal compared to the net assets at the end of the day of each periods: 1 day, 1 month, 1 year and from the beginning of the year up to now.
Portfolio performance

The investment performance screen helps customers monitor net asset fluctuations, total profit and loss, and look up the account's investment performance over a period of time.

Rate of return (%): Customer's investment performance (%) is calculated according to the formula: 

RORt0->tn = [(1+%RORt0)(1+%RORt1)*(1+%RORt2)*....*(1+%RORtn)]-1

  • RORt: Rate of return 1 day: RORt = 100% * PnLt /(NAVt-1+ Max(0, Net Deposit/Withdrawal (t))
  • PnLt = NAVt – NAVt-1 – Net Deposit/Withdrawal (t)
  • NAVt-1: Net Asset Value at the beginning day t
  • NAVt: Net Asset Value at the end day t
  • If NAV(day t-1) <= 0, RORt = 0%
Profit/Loss History

Daily profit/loss against the previous day, after deducting Net deposit/withdrawal within the query period. Total profit and loss (value) is calculated according to the formula:

PnLtn =  NAVtn – NAVt0 – Net Deposit/Withdrawal T0 -> Tn

  • Opening NAV (NAVt0): Net Asset Value at the beginning of the query day
  • Closing NAV (NAVtn): Net Asset Value at the end of the query day
  • Daily profit/loss: (Closing NAV - Opening NAV - Net Deposit/Withdrawal) of the intraday
  • Net Deposit/Withdrawal: Total in – Total out of the query period
  • Total in: Total value of payment + Total value of securities received by internal transfer + Total buying value of match Open - ended fund 
  • Total out: Total value of withdrawal + Total value of securities withdrawn due to internal transfer + Total selling value of match Open - ended fund
Asset History
Asset History shows historical information about the account's asset fluctuations over an optional period of time. Click on the chart to see detailed information on Net Assets, Total Assets, Total Margin Debt, Margin Debt/NAV of each day.

Details performance

The investment performance screen helps customers monitor net asset fluctuations, total profit and loss, and look up the account's investment performance over a period of time.

Step 1:  Log in to your securities account

Step 2: Home screen

  • Option 1: Customer click "Asset" in the bottom bar of the screen Select the " Portfolio performance" screen
  • Option 2 : Customers click "Menu" on the bottom bar of the screen Asset management Select " Portfolio performance "

Step 3:

At the " Portfolio performance " screen, customers can filter information by account number; according to the lookup period. Customers can click on the “?” to see the interpretation of information fields and formulas for calculating values ​​on the screen:

Rate of return (%): Customer's investment performance (%) is calculated according to the formula: 
RORt0->tn = [(1+%RORt0)(1+%RORt1)*(1+%RORt2)*....*(1+%RORtn)]-1
  • RORt: Rate of return 1 day: RORt = 100% * PnLt /(NAVt-1+ Max(0, Net Deposit/Withdrawal (t))
  • PnLt = NAVt – NAVt-1 – Net Deposit/Withdrawal (t)
  • NAVt-1: Net Asset Value at the beginning day t
  • NAVt: Net Asset Value at the end day t
  • If NAV(day t-1) <= 0, RORt = 0%
Total profit/loss (PnLtn): (Closing NAV – Opening NAV – Net Deposit/Withdrawal) of the query period

PnLtn=  NAVtn – NAVt0 – Net Deposit/Withdrawal T0 -> Tn

  • Opening NAV (NAVt0): Net Asset Value at the beginning of the query day
  • Closing NAV (NAVtn): Net Asset Value at the end of the query day
  • Daily profit/loss: (Closing NAV - Opening NAV - Net Deposit/Withdrawal) of the intraday
  • Net Deposit/Withdrawal: Total in – Total out of the query period
  • Total in: Total value of payment + Total value of securities received by internal transfer + Total buying value of match Open - ended fund 
  • Total out: Total value of withdrawal + Total value of securities withdrawn due to internal transfer + Total selling value of match Open - ended fund 
Accrued P/L: Accumulated profit and loss value calculated from the beginning of the query period
Margin debt: Disbursed margin loan value of the account at the end of the day
Margin debt/NAV (%): Customer's debt to the net asset ratio for the day= Margin debt /NAV


  • This feature supports customers to look up data for the last 1 year up to the previous date of the current date.
  • Portfolio performance information is for reference only, customers can consider your own calculation method. SSI is not responsible for differences between performance tracking calculation methods.

Step 1:  Log in to your securities account

Step 2: Home screen

Option 1: Customer click "Asset" in the bottom bar of the screen >> Select the " Disbursement information " screen

Option 2 : Customers click "Menu" on the bottom bar of the screen >> Asset management >> Select " Disbursement information"


Select the Disbursement History screen > The screen displays complete information about the account's disbursement history

Use filters to search for disbursement history information

Step 1: From the "Menu" screen > In the "Stock transactions" section, select the "Stock statement" function.

Step 2: Query information about stock balance fluctuations by account, by stock code and by search time period

The system supports customers to look up increases/decreases in stock balances according to the following information:

• Stock code

• Day trading

• Beginning balance, ending balance, interpretation of increasing and decreasing entries

• Fluctuations increase or decrease according to types of securities: Available securities, Wait to Send, Hold for Limited/Mortgage, New Share (This stock has been deposited but is currently awaiting for trade)

Step 3: Click the filter icon, select criteria > Click "Apply" to look up information as needed

Equity Profit and Loss history

The "Profit and Loss History" feature on SSI iBoard helps customers track profits/losses made for stock codes in the underlying stock portfolio including warrants. Profit/loss is calculated on each order the Customer has placed and recorded for orders executed from February 22, 2022 onwards.

Step 1: From the “Home” screen> Select “Assets”> Select the subsection “P&L History”

Step 2: Select the account and time period to look up > Click "Apply" to view data or Select the "Clear filter" icon to return to viewing default data

The system supports customers to look up detailed information by each trading day and each stock code, including:

  • Matched volume
  • Profit and Loss
  • % Profit and Loss

P&L History Derivatives

The "Profit and Loss History" feature helps customers track profit and loss information of closed positions and positions held overnight on derivative accounts by each trading day.

Step 1: From the “Home” screen, select “Assets”, select the subsection “P&L History”

Step 2: Select the account and time period to look up > Click "Apply" to view data or Select the "Clear filter" icon to return to viewing default data

The system supports customers to look up detailed information by each transaction date and each contract code, including:

  • Number of Closed Positions (Closed due to trading or Closed due to maturity)
  • Number of remaining Open Positions
  • Realized Profit/Loss, Unrealized Profit/Loss and Total Profit/Loss

Closed position History

The " Closed position History " feature helps customers track profit and loss information of closed positions by each trading day.

Step 1: From the "Menu" screen > In the "Trading" section, select the function " Closed position History "

Step 2: The system supports customers to look up detailed information of closed positions by each trading date and by each contract code, including:

  • Average buy/sell price
  • Number of closed positions
  • Realized profit/loss
  • Position notes are closed due to trading or closed due to maturity

Step 3: Select criteria in the filter by Account number / Symbol / Request date > Click "Apply" to look up information or Select "Clear filter" icon to return to viewing default data

Step 4: Click on the transaction you want to see details > Display full detailed profit and loss information of the transaction

Open account Equity market Derivatives market Price board