Log-in Information

Đấu giá mới nhất

Log-in Information
Step 1 : Go to iBoard Web at the link: https://iboard.ssi.com.vn/ and click the Login button on the right corner of the screen  
Step 2 : Enter account number and login password information in the login window displayed on the screen


Step 1: Click the "Forgot password" button on the sign-in screen

Step 2: Fill in the information and click “Continue"

Step 3: Reset a new password as needed and enter the confirmation code of the current Authentication Method to complete the request


Step 1: Log in to account on iBoard Web > Select “Account information” or Select “Services & utilities” > Select “Register service”

Step 2: Access Management screen > Other utilities > Select “Change password”

Step 3: Online Account Information Hub - Account Page, Enter the Old Password and New Password information, select the channel to receive the authentication code via Phone Number/Email


Step 4: Enter the verification code via Phone Number/Email and click Confirm to complete the request


The Menu function on iBoard Web has been structuyred with the following purposes:

  • Regroup functions according to transaction needs for easy search for customers
  • Adding brief explanations to help customers recognize the meaning of each function screen
Open account Equity market Derivatives market Price board