Online Cash Advance
Online Cash Advance
Online Cash Advance This allows you to send your cash advance requests to SSI Cash Advance Request Click on “Utilities” button => “Cash
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Online Cash Advance
This allows you to send your cash advance requests to SSI
Cash Advance Request
- Click on “Utilities” button => “Cash Advance”
- The screen will appear as below:
Term Explanation:
- Cash receive = Cash advance requested value – Advance fee
Cash Advance Status
This allows you to view your cash advance status
- Click on “Utilities” button -> “Cash Advance” -> “Cash advance status”
- The screen will appear as below:
Cash advance status:
- Pending: The request has not been processed and you can cancel it.
- Cancelled: The request has been deleted by you.
- In Process: Your request is being processed by SSI
- Has been done: The request is done. You cannot cancel it.
- Rejected: The request can not be executed. You can click “Rejected” to see details.
Cash Advance History
You can view your cash advance transaction for three months
- Click on “Utilities” button -> “Cash Advance” -> “Cash advance history”
- The screen will appear as below:
Cash advance status:
- Cancelled: The request has been deleted by you.
- Has been done: The request has been successfully processed.
- Rejected: The request can not be executed. You can click “Rejected” to see details.
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