SSI Web Trading for equity market user guide
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A securities price board with advanced functions:
- Display the securities codes in the portfolio of investors on the price board
- Monitorthe securities codes of HOSE and HNX at the same time.
- Remove the securities codes that were added to the price board.
Add/remove the portfolio into the price board
Investors can add their portfolio into the price board by clicking on the "Load from the portfolio" button on the price board
You can remove the securities codes in the portfolio from the price board by mousing on them and clicking on X button to delete these securities codes
Add/remove securities code into the price board
- Click on "HOSE" or "HNX" and select securities code. Then click “View”
- Or click on the letters on the screen to add new securities code. The system will automatically check the securities code that begins with selected letters and then click on “View" button to display the selected securities code on the price board.
- Click "Hide" to close the screen.
Double click to move the row to the top of the price board
You can remove a securities code from the price board by clicking on “Delete all’ button to remove it from the price board.
1. Register to change Verification type from PIN to SMS/ Email OTP
Step 1: Log-in to your account SSI’s online equity trading system via the following link:
Step 2: Register to use SMS OTP/ Email OTP authentication method
- Click on the tab “Account Management” > “Change PIN and verification types” > “Use OTP”
- On “Verification types” screen, select SMS OTP type or Email OTP type as the following image:
- Click on the symbol
to read Terms and Conditions of use
- Enter PIN code/Token > Tick “I agree to the terms and the conditions of the contract” > click “Register” to continue or “Cancel” to Cancel the order.
Step 3: After registration step, an OTP is sent via SMS to your phone number or via Email you have registered at SSI according to the verification type you select.
- Enter OTP (the activation code) in the box “Enter the activation code”
- OTP is valid within 60 seconds, you can wait 60 seconds to get a new OTP by clicking “Get OTP”
- Click “Confirm” to complete the registration or “Back” to select other verification types
After confirmation, System shows the notice of successful registration:
2. Register to change Verification type from PIN to Smart OTP
Step 1: Log-in to your account SSI’s online equity trading system via the following link:
Step 2: Register to use SMS OTP/ Email OTP authentication method
- Click on the tab “Account Management” > “Change PIN and verification types” > “Use OTP”
- On “Verification types” screen, select Smart OTP type as the following image:
- Click on the symbol to read Terms and Conditions of use
- Enter PIN code/Token > Tick “I agree to the terms and the conditions of the contract” > click “Register” to continue or “Cancel” to Cancel the order.
Step 3: Download SSI Smart OTP Application for your device on App Store or Google Play
Step 4: Choose the method of receiving activation code via SMS or Email
- OTP is sent via SMS to your phone number or via Email you have registered at SSI according to the method you choose.
- OTP is valid within 60 seconds, you can wait 60 seconds to get a new OTP
Step 5: Enter OTP you received to SSI Smart OTP App to activate the method
After you have entered the activation code successfully, you need to set up PIN code for the app and activate FaceID (if necessary) in the first setup.
To activate more accounts using Smart OTP, choose symbol “+” at the right corner of the screen and follow those steps to register Smart OTP above
Step 6: Click “Register” on Web Trading to complete the registration of Smart OTP
3. Register to change Verification type from OTP to PIN
Step 1: Click on the tab “Account Management” => “Change PIN and verification types” => “Use a PIN code to place orders” => “Confirm”
Step 2: Enter the activation code sent via SMS/Email or activation code on Smart OTP App according to the verification type you are using => Click “Confirm”
The system defaults to the old PIN code that you use before changing to OTP. If you don't remember your old PIN, you can click on “Forgot PIN” to reset your PIN.
4. Register to change Verification type from SMS to Email OTP
Step 1: Click on the tab “Account Management” > “Change PIN and verification types” > Verification Screen displays your current OTP method – Click on “Change OTP type”
Step 2: On tab “Select OTP type” > Choose Email OTP
Step 3: Click “Get OTP” to get authenticate current OTP code via SMS > Enter OTP sent via SMS on “Authenticate current OTP type” > Click “I agree to the terms and conditions in the contract”
To get a curent activation code, please wait 60 seconds then click “Get OTP” to get a new activation OTP.
Step 4: Enter the OTP activation code sent via your Email > Click “Confirm” to complete your registration
In case you need to get the activation code, Click “Go back” and re-authern by your current OTP
Please follow these above steps to register to change verification among authentication methods using OTP.
- In case you are using Token / CA method, you can change to OTP authentication method similar to PIN code.
- In case you sent OTP Register request or Get OTP more than 5 consecutive times but not register/ unsuccessful verification and your account is locked, please contact SSI Contact Center 1900545471 (ext 29) for support.
Buy order entry
You can place orders to buy securities by 3 different ways:
- Click on “Buy” button at any screen.
- Press Ctrl+B
- Click on “Buy” button on the price board
Step 1: At any screen click on "Buy" button or Ctrl+B, Buy-order-entry screen will appear as below:
Step 2: Fill in the blanks with order information
- Enter the securities code. Use the Tab, Enter key or mouse to move across the field.
- In case you are not sure about the securities code, you can search by clicking on the "securities code", enter the characters, the system will display the full name, the reference price, ceiling, floor, 3 best buying/selling prices and correlative amount, highest price, lowest price, the current average price of this securities code and credit available.
- Do not enter spaces and comma between the numbers. You can use a dot in the price field.
Step 3: Order Confirmation
- After enter the order information completely, you press Enter or click “Buy” button
- Click "Confirm" to transfer the order into the system, click "Cancel" to annul the order.
- If your order is valid, you can check all of your orders on the screen “Order status”. Function "Quick Status" also allows customers to quickly update status of order which is automatically displayed at the automatically displayed at the bottom of Buy order entry screen
Sell Order Entry
You can place orders to sell securities by different ways:
- Click on “Sell” button at any screen.
- Press Ctrl+S
- Click on “Sell” button on the price board
- In the "Portfolio", if you want to sell securities, click on “Sell” button
The steps are as follow:
Step 1: At any screen click on "Sell" button or Ctrl+S, Sell-order-entry screen will appear as below:
Step 2: Fill in the blanks with order information
- Enter the securities code. Use the Tab, Enter key or mouse to move across the field.
- In case you are not sure about the securities code, you can search by clicking on the "securities code", enter the characters, the system will display the full name, the reference price, ceiling, floor, 3 best buying/selling prices and correlative amount, highest price, lowest price, the current average price of this securities code and credit available.
- Do not enter spaces and comma between the numbers. You can use a dot in the price field.
Step 3: Order confirmation
- After enter the order information completely, you press Enter or click “Sell” button.
- Click "Confirm" to transfer the order into the system. Click "Cancel" to delete the order.
- If your order is valid, you can check all of your orders on the screen “Order status”.
You can place Pre-Market Order (PMO) for the next session from 4.00 PM of the current trading day on the normal Buy/Sell entry screen
Regulations on placing PMO:
- ATO, ATC, LO are allowed with PMO while MP, MTL, MOK, MAK are excluded
- Ceiling and floor price of stocks are estimated based on the closing price of stocks on the most recent trading date (HOSE, HNX) and the average weighted price of all executed prices by continuous order matching method on the most recent trading date (UPCOM)
- Purchasing Power:
- For normal accounts which don’t use automatic cash advance service: Purchasing Power = Available Cash Balance + Cash amount will be received on the following day
- For normal accounts using automatic cash advance service & margin accounts: Purchasing Power = Current Purchasing Power + Cash amount will be received on the following day
- Stock Balance = Available stock + Stock amount will be received on the following day
- PMO is not available with put-through transaction
- Other conditions of PMO follow trading regulations of HNX, HOSE and UPCOM
Regulations of canceling and editing PMO:
- You can cancel and edit orders which are in “Pending” status
- PMO placed successfully will be the waiting list of SSI. At 8h30, if conditions of price are reached, these orders will be transferred into the stock exchange and waited for matching. If conditions of price are not matched, PMO will be canceled automatically.
Pre-Market Order & Time Conditional Order (TCO)
What are advantages of Pre-Market Order (PMO) compared to Time Conditional Order (TCO)?
- PMO enables traders to place orders for the next trading session from 4.00 PM of the current trading day on the normal Buy/Sell screen without opening a separate form and setting a number of complex parameters as TCO
- PMO status is automatically displayed at the bottom of Buy/Sell order entry screen, allowing customers control their orders without accessing Conditional Order Management screen as TCO.
- Estimated stock ceiling/floor price of the next trading session is automatically updated on Buy/Sell form when market enters PMO hour that is a utility unavailable with TCO
Place Pre-Market Order easily, Check Order Status quickly
How to use Pre-Market Order (PMO) compared to Time Conditional Order (TCO)?
- PMO will be suitable to customers who wish to place orders for the next trading day after the market closes
- TCO will be the best solution for customers who are busy and interested in long-term investments. Once investors have their investment plan determined, they can place TCO for many days ahead without following market and trading continuously. Accordingly, the orders will be automatically placed by SSI system until they fully match their wish.
SSI launches the online S-Bond trading features on SSI Web Trading to help customers track the buying / selling prices, perform transactions and manage the portfolio of S-Bond in a convenient, quick and easy way.
To use online S-Bond trading function, please refer the following guide:
- Enquiry S-Bond information
- Step 1: Log in to the Web trading for equity
- Step 2: On the Web Trading screen, select the item "Bond" then click on "Bonds Enquiry". The screen displays the S-Bond information as follows:
- Step 3: Click on each bond code to view detailed information of S-Bond
- Execute S-Bond transactions
- Step 1: You can buy / sell S-Bond code by the following ways:
Please noted that you need to sign the Appendix for OTC Securities Trading to trade S-Bond
- Step 2: Fill “Volume” Field to buy/sell ⇒ select “Next”
- Step 3: Check the contract and confirm the information of placing orders
Select icon to view and check contract information before confirming buy/sell
After placing the order successfully, the screen displays as follows:
- View order status and order list
On the equity Web Trading screen, select item "Bonds" then click on the "Orders List" or, after placing order successfully, click on "Order Status" to view the order status.
You can click "Cancel" if the order status is "Pending".
- Check the S-Bond portfolio
On the Web Trading for equity, select the item “Bonds” and then click on the “Bond Portfolio”.
Note: Please register to trade S-Bond on cash account.
SSI launches IPO Subscription of Covered Warrant on Web Trading to offer Customers an effective hedging and investment instrument.
To use this function, Customers follow the instructions below:
- Step 1: Login to Web Trading
- Step 2: At the Web Trading screen, choose “CW” then click on “IPO subscription”. Screen shows Covered Warrant information as:
- Step 1: At the screen “IPO Info”, choose “Register” at Covered Warrant code which you want to buy, the screen shows:
- Step 2: Fill in “CW order

- Step 3: Fill in Bank information to receive cash for unsuccessful IPO subscription at the end of the distribution, then click on button “Confirm”
NOTE: In order to support the registration of cash refund account as securities account at SSI, Customer can fill information on Web Trading as:
- Receive Account No: 003Cxxxxxxx (SSI securities trading account, E.g: 003C1234561)
- Bank: SSI [SSI Securities Corporation – No 11910000051570] (Select in default bank drop down list)
- Bank Branch: BIDV – Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Branch (Select in default branch drop down list)
- Step 4: At the confirmation screen, please recheck all information then read and choose “Agree” with Subscription agreement for Covered Warrant IPO
- Step 5: Fill in “OTP” and “Confirm image” then choose “Accept”
After registering successfully, the screen appears as:
- Step 1: At the IPO Subscription screen, choose “Status and registration history”, system will show all Covered Warrant code that you have subscribed to buy.
- Step 2: Customers can: filter Covered Warrant code by CW symbol”, “Status” or “From time to time”, the screen will display information according to chosen conditions:
This function will support customers in placing a lot of orders with the same volume and price or placing many orders with the rules of increasing or decreasing volume and price compared with the first order’s one.
At the buy/sell screen, customer tick on “Group order” function:
"Group order” screen appears, customer can set up the rule for the orders of the group basing on the volume and price of the initial order:
- Number of orders: number of orders in the group
- Step volume: basing on the volume of the initial order, customers can set up the rule for other orders in the group by setting the increasing or decreasing step of volume. The system also verifies if this step of volume is in compliance with one stated on the stock trading rules of the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange.
- Step price: basing on the price of the initial order, customers can set up the rule for other orders in the group by setting the increasing or decreasing step of price. The system also verifies if the prices are in the range of floor price and ceiling price and compliance with the stock trading rules of the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange.
After setting up completely, customer reviews again and click on the button “Create order”, confirmation screen appears showing all the orders of the group in detail:
Customer click on the button “put order” and then all the orders will be sent to the system in a moment!
All of the orders are managed at the Tab "Trading" >> "Order status"
The status of the arising orders:
- Pending matched: The order has been sent to the stock exchange but not matched. Customer can cancel this order.
- Partial matched: The order has been matched partly, waiting for full matching. Customers can cancel the remaining.
- Matched/partial cancel: The order has been matched partly, the remaining has been canceled.
- Cancel: The order has not been matched and successfully canceled
- Matched: The order has been full matched
Before cancelling orders, you need to check the current status of your orders on the screen "Order Status". You can cancel orders that they have not matched yet.
The steps as follow:
- Step 1: Click on the “Cancel” button on the screen "Order Status". You can cancel many or all orders at the same time. The cancel-order-screen will appear:
- Step 2: Enter the authentication code. Next, click on "Cancel order" button.
- Step 3: Press Enter or click on “Cancel” button
- Step 4: Click “Confirm” for cancelling the order, click “Close” for not cancelling the order
You can make price and trading volume adjustment on the order where the volume of the order has not been matched or partially matched.
The steps as follow:
- Step 1: Click on the “Edit” button on the screen "Order Status". The edit-order-screen will appear:
- Step 2: Enter the authentication code. Next, click on "Cancel order" button.
- Step 3: Press Enter or click on “Cancel” button
- Step 4: Click “Confirm” for editing the order, click “Close” for not editing the order.