Portfolio Management

  Portfolio Management You can monitor the information of stocks and amount that you bought/sold in the latest three trading days. Cash Blance Display

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Portfolio Management


Portfolio Management

You can monitor the information of stocks and amount that you bought/sold in the latest three trading days.

Cash Blance

Display your cash balance that you can buy securities and wait-to-receive amount after selling securities.

Term Explanation:

  • Available Cash: the money can be used to buy securities
  • Withdrawable Amount: the actual amount may be withdrawn.
  • Payment: total buy amount to be paid for buying securities (not including transaction fee).
  • Cash in the settlement cycle: selling and buying amount from T1 to T3
    • T + 1: 1 day to come to settlement day
    • T + 2: 2 days to come to settlement day
    • T + 3: 3 days to come to settlement day
  • Sold Amount: Total Selling Amount within a day (not including transaction fee and tax)
  • Bought Amount: Total Buying Amount within a day (not including transaction fee)
  • Debt: overdue

Stock Balance

  • Display information about securities code:
  • Available Stock: show the total number of securities that investors can trade
  • Due Information: waiting to send/receive stock in the latest three trading days.
  • Current market value of these stocks
  • Current stock’s estimated gains/losses by Dong and by percent

Order History

This function allows you to view all orders for three months

  • Click on “Portfolio Management” button => “Order History”
  • The screen will appear as below:

Term Explanation:

  • Total (Buy) = Matched volume * Matched Price + Transaction Fee
  • Total (Sell)  = Matched volume * Matched Price - Transaction Fee - Tax

Online order confirmation

Steps to confirm orders:

Step 1: Customers access screen Portfolio Management -> Order History/ Order Confirmation

Step 2: Customers choose orders to confirm 

  • Screen will display the default account, however, customer cans change to another account by typing on the ithem “Account No”.
  • Customers can choose one or more to confirm at the same time. The system allows customer to confirm maximum 50 orders/page.

Step 3: Confirm chosen orders

  • After checking all information, Customers enter the authentication code and then click on the button “Confirm” to send your request or “Close” to cancel confirmation.
  • Confirmed orders will be moved to the status “Signed”. Customers can view orders in the past by changing the item "Confirmation status”

Debit Information

This allows you to view your debit information and detail of payment:

  • Click on “Portfolio Management” button => “Debit Information”
  • The screen will appear as below:

Cash transaction statement

This allows you to view your cash transaction statement for three months

  • Click on “Portfolio Management” button => “Cash transaction statement”
  • The screen will appear as below

Stock transaction statement

This allows you to view your cash transaction statement for three months

  • Click on “Portfolio Management” button => “Stock transaction statement”
  • The screen will appear as below:

Term Explanation:

  • Available Stock: Sellable stock
  • Restricted stock: Non-sellable stock
  • Right stock: include stock dividends, stock rights, and bonus stocks.
  • Registered stock: Stocks deposited at SSI but not yet sellable
  • Total: Total number of sellable stocks in the account.
With time served continuously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, investors can manage your account at anytime and anywhere. Please click on each service for details.
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